Mercury32's Fanfic Emporium
Welcome to my Fanfic Emporium. This is the home of almost every piece of crappy fanfic I have ever written, and some good fanfics too. Although the good ones are a lot rarer to find than the bad ones, *shaking head* anyhow, that's not the point. The point is, this is the page to be if you wanna read my fanfic. There's WWF, Buffy, Pitch Black, Blade, Labyrinth and probably some more weirdness to come.
So if you wanna browse my work, continue, if not, GO AWAY!!
Thousands were killed in America on the 11th of September as the result of the whims of a madman. Despite being on the other side of the world, I've still been affected by this. I think it would be impossible to not be. This ribbon is to show my full support for all Americans in this time of grief and loss. I just wish there was more I could do.
Muses of the Moment
'You've got ta be Kiddin me?' Logan, 'Why can't you Just Be Happy for Me?' Rogue and 'Can I Blast him or Not?' Scott.
falln has turned me into a Scott/Rogue shipper. This means two things. 1. When I meet falln (I plan to whether she likes it or not), I'm gonna hug her, then kill her. Seoncdly, I have an extremely pissed off Logan muse (which is bloody scary let me tell you) a moody and irritable Rogue muse and a-calm-on-the-outside-but-a-turmoil-of-emotions-on-in-the-inside Scott muse. Logan's pissed cause Rogue's not after him, Rogue's pissed cause Logan's not happy for her and Scott's pissed cause Logan is making Rogue unhappy and cause he just hates Logan anyways. 'Days of Our Lives' has nothing on my muses.
One a more entertaning note, Logan has managed to torment Pissy Jericho to the point where even on of Chyna's long fingernails being waved at him has him hitting the floor and curling up in the fetal position, much to Jealous Hunter's delight and everyone else's amusement. I think it has something to do with that line from the Three Musketeers "One flick of my wrist and I can change your religion."
This is my banner. Use it to link to this page. Believe it or not this piece of crap took me all weekend to come up with. If you link to me, please let me know so I can return the favour.
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