I'm Not Going There
(A.K.A. Well I'm going interesting mental places... back in half an hour)
Due to a promise to a friend, I am no longer writing graphic slash. But that doesn't mean I can't record every comment that could have slashy subtexts! I promised Christa I would break her mind and I very nearly did it once too. But not quite. So here is a collection of comments made by wrestlers and others that could be taken in a slash context. Currently only wrestling, but if this is popular enough, I will add tv shows, movies and songs. Submissions accepted.
It's me, it's me, it's the D-O-double-G rolling once again with the B-A-double-D
After I've pinned ya, then you'll know I've been up in ya (to Chris Benoit)
Val Venis, it's not your belt I want, it's your ass that holds it up!
We've wrestled these old fossils time and time again. Outcome's always the same, us on top, them on bottom, and no that's not my sexual preference. (about LOD 2000)
Y'know, I'm almost scared to say this cause I'm scared ya might take me up on it, but I've got two words for ya! Suck it! (to Chris Jericho)
Where you know those New Age Outlaws always kick that shiznit doggy style...(laughs) but not with each other.
"I'm going for X-Pac no matter what."
"He got it up...he got it up (about X-pac)
And Raven's mounting Kane from behind again (during the 2001Royal Rumble)
The Big Show wants Shane McMahon and he wants him in the worst way!
Roaddogg trying to grind it into Jericho here.
Earlier Jericho was playing the game, tonight he's winning the game. (Jericho vs Hunter)
Three men and one woman on Chris Jericho.
Triple H
I want Jericho's ass and I want it tonight
There are a lot of bi things I am, but lingual isn't one of them... Wait, did I just mean to say that? (is that a Freudian Slip or what?)
How about you and I go at it? (to X-Pac)
It's no secret that your a bitch. But tonight, you're gonna be my bitch! (to Trish Stratus)
The Acolytes
Tonight, the Acolytes make Edge & Christain their personal bitches!
The Rock
Tonight, The Rock is gonna make you both very happy men! (I think that was Rikishi and Kane... interesting combination)
Mick Foley
He wants Benoit, he wants the Big Show, he wants Kurt Angle, and he wants Shane McMahon...in any combination! (About the Rock)
Billy Gunn
If I had to go against him again, I would go just like this (pretends to fall down), and lay right down. You see that's what the New Age Outlaws are. I'd just lay right down for him. (I'll bet it's not the first time either)
You got extremely lucky, and you know it! And I'll tell you what-- you find your OWN ride home! (Lover's Tiff!!)
Chris Jericho
If you want action, Y2J is going to give you all the action you can handle, Jerky! (To Hunter)
Shane McMahon
Chris Benoit and I are....just friends.
Consider last Monday night your first lesson in McMahon master manipulation.
Big Show
Come on Shane...where are you...you little *bleep*? Come on you billion dollar butt plug!
Jerry 'The King' Lawler
So you're still pulling for Road Dogg? (to X-Pac)